Note: this is an old page and is not maintained any more

The Nijmegen Mathematics Ph.D. Colloquium is intended to give Ph.D. students working in the Netherlands an opportunity to talk in an informal setting about their research. On the other hand, it gives the audience an opportunity to learn about the research going on in Nijmegen and other math departments in the Netherlands. A similar colloquium is also held in Utrecht and Amsterdam.

The colloquium was organised by Pieter Naaijkens. Send an e-mail to the organizer to receive announcements (or complain that you don't want to receive them anymore).

Information for speakers

Please note that the colloquium is intended for the general math Ph.D. student, that might be working in a completely different field as yours. Adapt your presentation accordingly. You can talk about ongoing, yet unfished research, and are indeed encouraged to do so. For example, you can tell what you want to prove and which problems you face.

A beamer, blackboard and overhead projector are available in the colloquium room. Talks should be 60 minutes max. There is a possibility that everyone in the audience speaks Dutch, so you can choose between English or Dutch as language. Directions to the Huygens building can be found here.


The intended timeslot is on thursdays at 11:00. See announcements for the location. The next colloquium is highlited.